Monday, November 27, 2023

     Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Break. I know I enjoyed being home with my family but I missed my students so much.  It's that time of the year CHRISTmas. It's not only the best time of the year but the most eventful time. I will be posting The Twelve Days of Christmas. I would love to see all the children participate. It's a lot fun to see everyone's outfits/ideas.  


 Christmas Play-December 14th 10am & 7pm

3 Hour Early Out- December 20th

   Christmas Break- December 21st -January 1st

Monday, November 6, 2023


BIBLE test will be Thursday Nov. 9, 2023

D d
Depart from evil, and do good.
-Psalm 34:14

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


        Mayflower Day


Dear Parents,

Preschool and kindergarten will be having a Mayflower Day celebration on November 14th. The children are encouraged to dress up like a Native American or Pilgrim. The students will be in the gym from 9:00-11:00. They will engage in different activities that represent Thanksgiving. If you would be interested in donating supplies or volunteering that day, please contact Mrs. O’Dell (304)619-4342.

                                                        God Bless,

                                        Mrs. O’Dell and Mrs. Hayes