Friday, December 8, 2023


The Christmas play will be December 14th at 10:00am and 7:00pm. All students will be dismissed directly after the play. They will  need to return to the school  by 6:00 that even. All the girls will need to dress in solid white shirts, pants and socks. The boys will need to wear solid black shirts, pants, and socks.






        Kindergarten will be going out for their Christmas Party to Honeybee Coffee and Donut House on December 19th.  Space is very limited in the coffee shop so I will be transporting the students there in the school van. Each student will need $10.00 each by December 15th. Please don’t let this inconvenience your family. If you can’t afford this trip, please contact me.


                                                        God Bless,

                                                                Mrs. O’Dell

Monday, December 4, 2023


Test Friday December 8th 

Y y
Ye are the light of the world.

-Matthew 5:14